Pablo Brooks is a singer, songwriter, and producer known for his soulful music and captivating live performances. Born and raised in Los Angeles, Brooks honed his craft playing in local bands before launching his solo career in 2018. His unique blend of R&B, funk, and jazz has made him a rising star in the music industry, earning him a growing fanbase and critical acclaim.

In 2019, Brooks released his debut EP, "Soul Searchin'," which featured collaborations with several notable producers and musicians. The EP's lead single, "Lost in the Moment," quickly became popular on streaming platforms and helped establish Brooks as an artist to watch. He has since released several more singles, including "Love on the Weekend," which has been praised for its smooth vocals and infectious groove.

Brooks is set to embark on a series of live shows in January 2024, giving fans a chance to experience his music in person. His performances are known for their high-energy and interactive nature.
Don't miss your chance to see this rising star in person. Get your tickets for Pablo Brooks' live shows today!



Nov 2024




Nov 2024


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