Callum Beattie

Callum Beattie



Nov 2024




Nov 2024




Nov 2024


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Callum Beattie’s story is one of truth and persistence. The songwriter started his journey more than a decade ago, and he’s done  it the hard way – but, as he insists, it’s the only path worth a damn. After years spent knocking on the doors of London record execs, this Scottish-based talent found that by remaining true to himself he could communicate in a way that few could match.  Debut LP ‘People Like Us’ was an astonishing breakout success on its 2020 release, but with new album ‘Vandals’ he wants more – much more.  

On the brink of a key moment in his life, Callum Beattie is now balancing the scars of the past and the promise of the future. His  new album ‘Vandals’ could transform his life – but he’s fought for the space to be his own judge. “At the end of the day I’ve made  a record that’s me,” he says, “and I love it for that reason.”